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Apple Watch shipments jumped in 2017 (analysis)

Apple Watch shipments jumped in 2017, according to  analysis

Apple Watch continues to be a bright spot in amongst the middling world of wearables, according to  cnalys.comThe analyst group’s figures put the smartwatch at 18 million shipments for 2017, representing a 54-percent jump over the device’s 2016 numbers.
Apple’s wearable popped for a couple of reasons, LTE functionality being chief among them. For one thing, cellular connectivity was the top new feature for the Series 3. It also meant that the device got wider distribution, as more carrier partners started carrying the product in their retail stores.  The watch got its warmest reception in US,  Japan and Australia, struggling a bit more in the UK, France and Germany & more, where carrier partnerships are a bit more spotty for the product.

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